We believe your web site is the corner stone of both your traditional and internet marketing strategies. As such, our designs reflect your organization, both in style and brand.---
Malin Zergiebel, TSGWebPlus
Services: Web Editor - Features
TSGWebPlusEdit enables any user with minimum technical knowledge to update and maintain their entire website through their browser.
Below is a listing of just some of the features available in TSGWebPlusEdit.
- Username and password protected, so only you have access to your website
- Multi-user support, so more than one user can modify your website with the ability to specify different directories for each user
- No client software needed to install or maintain.
- Manage your entire website or webpage from your browser, anywhere, anytime!
- No slow downloading applets or components.
Graphical User Interface
- Simple to use
- Everything is point and click
- No programming skills required
- No technical knowledge required
- Online help system
Complete File Manager
- Specify specific extensions of files to modify
- View, Edit, Rename or Delete files
- Create NEW files based on pre-defined templates
- Upload your OWN files and place in whatever directory you choose
- Create, rename and delete directories
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor:
- Edit your files using a simple point and click Interface
- What you edit is how your website will look
- Click save, and your changes are viewable INSTANTLY!
- If you can use Microsoft Word, then you can use WebEdit Pro
- Adjust font type, color, size, formatting (bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript)
- Paragraph Formatting
- Insert Numbered and Ordered lists
- Insert and modify TABLES
- Add Columns, Rows, and Column spans
- Delete Columns, Rows and Column spans
- Modify Table Cells, background color, width and alignment
- Complete StyleSheet (CSS) Support
- Insert / Modify Forms, text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, text areas and hidden fields.
- Toggle guidelines so you can see outlines of tables with no border
- CUT & PASTE from Microsoft Word
- Clean HTML code, allows you to clean HTML code copied from other editors such as Microsoft Word
- Add / Edit or Delete Links. Complete Link manager, browse and link to files, link to anchors and set target windows.
- Insert / Modify Anchors
- Change your webpage background color, text colou, links color, visited links color and active link color
- Modify your page title, description and keywords
- Insert, resize and delete images
- Modify Image Properties; Width, height, border, Alt text, alignment Page preview
- Switch between HTML and Text mode
- Advanced users, EDIT your HTML code directly!
Complete Image Manager
- Insert images into your website easily!
- View, Insert, Delete or Rename images
- Upload your OWN images from your harddrive
- Create, rename and delete directories
"Before using TSGWebPlus, our site was boring and not as up to date as we would like. Now our site is fun and exciting - all because of the help from TSGWebPlus!" - Taryn P. Apr 2005 |