TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
We believe your web site is the corner stone of both your traditional and internet marketing strategies. As such, our designs reflect your organization, both in style and brand.
Malin Zergiebel,

Services: e-Tools

Our e-tools are an excellent way to extend the power of your web site.

Branded email:
We will design an HTML email template utilizing elements from your web site. Each template will contain a link to your web site. This template can then be used as the backdrop to all emails that you send out. This is a powerful and constant re-inforcement of your brand to the people with whom you communicate. There is no need to ever send plain text email again.

What can internet-enabled branded e-mails do for you?

They'll let you:

  • establish and maintain contact with interested visitors, prospects, and clients
  • inform these user groups about changes, news, and other special events happening in your company.
  • reinforce your brand and keep your products and services on their minds.

Through the creation of internet-enabled email templates, we'll give you an effective, immediate communication tool that will highlight your brand, compliment your web design and link them back to your site.

While not for every organization, well designed, well written newsletters can be a powerful way to keep your name in front of your prospects and clients.

We'll craft the newsletter format - again - incorporating your brand, and linking back to your web site. We can also assist you in getting set up with a reputable double-opt-in newsletter distribution service provider. You supply the content, or we can also show you where to get content for your newletter. It's all out there and it's all available to you, should you decide to take advantage of this cost effective promotional tool.

On-line polls
On-line opinion polls and surveys are an effective, fun way to find out what your prospects and clients are thinking. Typically, on-line polls are featured on your home page. By running your polls on a regular basis, you encourage visitors back to your site through the creation of anticipation and curiosity.

In addition to your web site poll, your emails and newsletters can "ask the question" as well, with a link back to your website. You can just collect the poll results, or optionally share the on-going poll results and final tallies with your visitors as well.

"I can't believe the positive response I received on this release and I just had to tell you! Thanks for your help, it came out perfect!"
- Mary S. Sept 2003

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