TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
As you can see, your web site is the beginning - the foundation. Success comes from working the web and mining the gold that lays therein. The web's riches are not laying on top of the ground waiting for you to stroll by and pick them up. Its hard work - but it can pay off handsomely.
Malin Zergiebel,

Services: Aftercare

Your site is live ... now what?

You can be done with us. Everything is in your name. You have all the source code, images and graphics. All you have to do is renew your domain name when it comes up (usually annually) and pay your monthly hosting fees.

However, wouldn't you like to know who is visiting your site?
You now have web site visitors, search engine visitors, email visitors, e-marketing visitors, and traditional promotion visitors. Where are they all coming from? Where are they all going? Are they contacting you? Buying from you? What's working and what isn't? All of this information is being collected by your web site and it is worth looking at and analyzing. Knowledge is power.

While our aftercare services are optional (you don't need them to have a working web site), we do highly recommend them so you can monitor your site's traffic and constantly fine tune your new marketing tool.

Our various comprehensive aftercare packages are designed to work with your budget and needs. While monthly monitoring is recommended, these can also be purchased on a quarterly basis.

Just because your web site goes "live", doesn't mean we have to end our relationship. Ongoing support is available from TSGWebPlus.

First: let's get one thing straight . (the free stuff)

  • Support (questions) always no charge. If you have a question, we want to help. We don't want you struggling with anything. Period!
  • Bug fixes - always no charge. No matter when it pops up - if there is a bug - we'll fix it. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts". 'Nuff said.
  • Unlimited training hours within the first 3 months of web launch.

Second: the dreaded hourly charge: $100.00

Third: Our Retainer Plan (it's convenient, flexible and saves bucks)
A predetermined amount of hours will guarantee a predetermined discounted dollar amount.

  • Good: we offer a discounted hourly rate for retainer subscribers.
  • Bad: like a retainer, use it or lose it. The dollars are due whether you use the time or not.
  • Good: you determine the monthly block of hours you'd like.
  • Bad: if you go over your monthly block of time, we start charging the dreaded hourly rate.
  • Retainer Hint: choose your monthly block wisely.
  • 2nd Retainer Hint: The Pointed-Headed One is a soft touch (shhh - don't tell anyone). If you slide a bit on a particular month, we're sure it won't be a problem.
  • Good: use your time for anything you want (eg, page changes, new pages, new graphics, training, web-consulting, e-newsletters, e-marketing, etc - go nutty).
  • Bad: well - not that bad. The minimal retainer subscription is 3 months.
We offer various Retainer Plans:
  • One hour/month plan: $82.80
  • Two hours or more/month plan: $75/hour
  • Semi-annual plan: pay 5 months in advance - get the 6th for free.
  • Annual plan: pay 10 months in advance - get the 11th and 12th for free.

More good news: no matter what plan you chose, you get:

  • Monthly web site backup*
  • Monthly web site visitor/usage report *
  • Cpanel assistance *
  • Web editor upgrades (as available and appropriate)

* Linksky web hosting clients only

Imagine your own personal web master, web-lackey, e-marketing consultant, and general web guru for under $5 a day. And you get monthly visitor/usage reports and site backups to boot (worth the price of admission alone). We think Old-Fuzzy-Top is giving it away.

We can't think of a better way to protect your investment AND keep your web site lively, current and interesting. If we could - we would have included it in our Retainer Plan.

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Back to where you came ...

"Your teaching skills were superb also when you taught us to use the web editor so we can make changes on our own."
- C.Carta Jan 2004

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