TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
Extend your traditional marketing dollars (eg yellow page ads, ads in local papers, radio spots, mailers). It's impossible to get your complete message across via these mediums due to time, space, and cost restraints. That's your web site's job.
Malin Zergiebel,

First Visit: Overview


Running a business is hard...
having an effective internet business strategy doesn't have to be.

We know you have questions and concerns about internet technologies and putting your business on the web. That's why we've put together this series of articles to answer some of your questions and concerns and to highlight some things that we believe are important for a successful web site and integrated marketing strategy.

Below is a brief sample of what each article covers. The links to your left point to the same articles. Enjoy.

Too much?

Some well meaning folks have said there is too much info on this site. Some say they can't read so much text - their eyes glaze over ...

This company and this web site are for serious people looking for serious answers. And those good folks can never... more »

Looking for your first web site? Congratulations!
We know you have a lot of questions and concerns. We'll try to answer the ones that we get asked most often... more »

Looking for your first site?


Have you said or felt any of the following about your web site?
• I haven't looked at my site in a year.
• I'm getting no action from my site.
• I'm embarrassed to send people to my site

If so, your site is probably sitting there gathering dust and ... more »

A web site is just one piece of your marketing puzzle. It is the beginning - the foundation of a larger picture. We provide the tools, education, experience and help when you need it most ... before and after your site goes "live"... more »

Then what do you do?

Hey - What's all this cost?

Fortunately, much less than what it's worth.
Ultimately, we are always asked this question. And it's quite a good question deserving a good answer. After we have determined all of the particulars of a specific project (as each project we do is custom), we come up with an answer... more »

We hope you found our first timer's section informative. We had fun putting it together.

We think every organization should have a web site. But we think it is even more important that every organization... more »

First timer's wrap up.

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