TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
Extend your traditional marketing dollars (eg yellow page ads, ads in local papers, radio spots, mailers). It's impossible to get your complete message across via these mediums due to time, space, and cost restraints. That's your web site's job.
Malin Zergiebel,

Unhappy with your current web site?

Unhappy?Have you said or felt any of the following about your web site?
• I haven't looked at my site in a year.
• I'm getting no action from my site.
• I'm embarrassed to send people to my site.

If so, your site is probably sitting there gathering dust and not pulling its weight. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sites out there like that. You are not alone.

We know it's very frustrating …
Everyone is talking about the internet and how it's the greatest thing since no-lick stamps, so you went out and got yourself a web site. But nothing is happening. Where is all the traffic? Where are the increased sales? Why isn't it working? What's wrong?

Before we look at possible reasons for a poorly performing site, let's look at what a web site visitor wants. Let's take you for example … you're using the net right now to find a vendor.

What are you looking for?

  • Relevance: You are looking for a web site that is going to solve your problem or answer your questions. So the first thing you look for is something on the home page to indicate that you are in the right place (eg web site design and development as opposed to a web site hosting).
  • Information: Next you start looking for information – more specifically – looking for answers to your questions. You want to know if they can solve your problem and how they will do it.
  • Organization: If the information is easy to access and well laid out, you will probably stay on the site and continue reading. If after 3 or 4 clicks you still haven't found what you are looking for, then you will probably leave to look at another site.
  • Value: So you have found the laundry-list of services offered – great. Now why should you contact this vendor over another? How are they different? Have they answered the “why buy from us?” question? What value do they provide over the other places you have researched?
  • Credibility: According to the web site, they seem to have what you want. Do you have a good feeling that they can deliver? Do client testimonials impact you in a positive way?
  • Enticement: Other than a list of services, have they given you a good reason for getting in touch with them? That little extra to nudge you along to action?
  • Ease of contact: You decided you want to get in touch with them – do they make it easy? Is there more than one way to get in touch with them?

Ok, so now that we know what makes you a happy camper when you are looking for answers on the web … let's do the really hard part.

It's time for the brutal self-evaluation …
You may already have some ideas on how to improve your web site just by what you have already read. But look thru the following list of common reasons for a poorly performing web site and see if any of these apply to your site as well.

The web site does not match the marketing materials – or even the business cards. Different fonts and colors are used. Images and styles don't ring a bell. We've even seen a different logo used. It's easy for a visitor to think they are in the wrong place – and leave immediately.
No traffic Let's forget about search engines for the moment. Is your web site address on everything? Business cards, letterhead, proposals, invoices, statements, yellow page ad, print ads, billboards? On your trucks, lawn signs, shirts, cash register receipts? Any place that lists your phone number needs to also list your web site address. Self-promotion (and traffic) begins at home.
Poor organization  Is your web site laid out in a clean and organized fashion? Is the navigation consistent from page to page? Are your section/page headings meaningful? Can a visitor easily locate what they are looking for on your site? With a minimum of mouse clicks?
Content issues Flat: Do you anticipate and answer your visitor's questions or do you just tell them what you do? Do you speak to your visitors – or at them? Do you stress your benefits over your features? Is your content concise and compelling? Do you speak to them as if you were speaking to them in person?
Dated: The internet is now. People are using the internet to find current information. Nothing will make a visitor leave faster than old content. And that goes for your copyright notice at the bottom of the page as well. When we see a site that was copyrighted in 2001, we assume the page hasn't been updated since then.
Contact issues Is your contact information featured prominently on each page? Do you ask your visitor to contact you on each page? Do you make it easy for them to contact you – multiple ways? Does it take longer than a minute to fill out your “contact us” form? You do have a “contact us” form – don't you?
No direction Tell your visitors what you want them to do. Talk to them and guide them and answer their questions – just like you would do to a real life prospect.
No USP Unique Selling Position – you must have one – this is what makes you different from your competition. Better service, more options, bigger selection, friendlier more knowledgeable staff, more value, less expensive, no-hassle return policy, 90 day money back guarantee, etc. Whatever it is, that makes you different should be clearly stated on your web site. Answer the “why buy from me” question over and over again.
Credibility issues It all sounds good – but how can I believe you? Have you been in business a long time? That's a good sign. Does your organization belong to the BBB? Are you accredited, licensed, bonded? Likewise, a web site peppered with glowing client testimonials and success stories always generates more response than one without.
No enticement You have them interested … you have them thinking seriously about you … do you have or offer a last enticement to seal the deal – to contact you? Free shipping on orders over $25? A no-charge, no-obligation consultation? 10% off if they order today? Make them want to contact you now.
Looks This is a tough one. No one likes to be called ugly, but let's face it; there are some ugly sites out there. You've seen them too. Other sites aren't ugly but they just look amateurish – they don't reflect well on a company. Your web site is sometimes the first impression someone gets of your organization. Put your best foot forward.

Remember, your visitors want their problem solved. They want answers, information, and value. They want to find it fast, and they want it to be easy. They want to feel they are selecting the best vendor.

Don't be unhappy with your site …
Evaluate your site with fresh eyes … like a prospect. Make some notes, make some changes, and make yourself (and your visitors) happy.

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