TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
Quick Tip: Instead of cramming all of your organization's info into a yellow-page ad or a 2" column of newspaper space or a 30 second radio spot - how about coming up with an intriguing and compelling headline followed with "see our web site for details"?
Malin Zergiebel,

Packages: Details

The following provides further explanation of the items referenced in the package comparisons page.

Category Item
General Number of Pages

This refers to the number of separate pages planned for your web site (eg home, about, services, etc). We do not impose a limit on the length of a page. The standard "contact us", "privacy and usage" and "custom 404 error page" do not count towards this total. Hey - that's 3 free pages for every web site? Yes it is. « return »



The success of every web site lives in the plan that surrounds it. We lay out re-usable methodologies and strategies for "working the web" that you can use over and over again for years to come. These will continue paying you dividends for as long as you use them. Easily, the most valuable component of our offerings. « return »


  Phased deliverables

Larger projects lend themselves to milestones. We can deliver sections of the site based on these milestones. These are custom crafted for each project. « return »


  Payment schedule

50/50 means that 50% is due at contract signing, the remainder due at project completion, prior to the site going "live". « return »

Custom means that the payment schedule will be defined via the Project Plan and will be based on milestone acceptance. « return »



Will be provided as explained in the "services - training" section. « return »


  Lifetime Guarantee

Straight from our contract "TSGWebPlus warrants and represents that: (a) We agree to warrant every byte of code to be free of errors in spelling, grammar, syntax or any other programming error that would cause the Web Site not to function. TSGWebPlus agrees to edit the Web Site at any time to correct errors in programming, operation or grammar at no charge." This is our unparalleled lifetime guarantee. You won't see a clause like this in any other web developer's contract. We told you we were serious. If something isn't right, we'll fix it - period. Whenever it turns up. « return »


Setup Domain name registration

We can assist or perform this step for you at no extra charge. Of course, you are still responsible for paying the provider's fee. We recommend using goDaddy for registrations. Their annual fee is roughly $7. See "services - setup" for more information on domain names. « return »


  Web hosting

We can assist or perform this step for you at no extra charge. Of course, you are still responsible for paying the provider's fee. We recommend using LinkSky for web hosting. Their monthly fee is roughly $7. See "services - setup" for more information on what a web host does. « return »


  Email setup

We will perform the initial email set up for your web site. This includes "aliased" accounts (administrator, info, sales, webmaster, etc) as well as the specified number of accounts as specified for each package plan. These emails can be set to auto-forward to an email address of your choosing if desired. « return »


Promotion  Branded email template

We will design an HTML email template utilizing elements from your web site. Each template will contain a link to your web site. This template can then be used as the backdrop to all emails that you send out.

This is a powerful and constant reinforcement of your brand to the people with whom you communicate. There is no need to ever send plain text email again. « return »


  Search engine submissions

We will submit (by hand) your web site to the major search engines. These engines cover more than 95% of all queries. Due to merger and acquisitions and the constantly changing search engine world, we don't list them here. The specific engines will be listed in your Project Plan. Learn more about search engine submissions. « return »


  Directory service submissions

Did you know that there are directory service web sites all over the net? Some are local directories, highlighting local businesses. Some are nationwide listings (eg professional groups, trade associates, etc). These directory service web sites are a rich resource for your business. We'll help you locate and submit your site to these services. « return »


Education How to maintain your site

Extensive on-line documentation will be included with your web site that will explain everything you need to know to update, extend, backup, and otherwise keep your web site in tip-top running condition. « return »


  How to use the web editor

A 48 page PDF document will be included with your site, as well as extensive online context-sensitive help from within the editor itself. « return »


  How to write for the web

Several documents will be made available to you explaining the why's and how to's for writing for the web. It's different than writing for any other media. « return »


  Defining your message

Multiple documents give advice on how to define and effectively communicate your marketing message. Tips and work sheets guide you through the process. What makes a good headline and many more topics are covered. « return »


  Working the web

Once you have a web site - then what? This series of articles provides tips and ideas for extending your traditional marketing dollars via your web site. Email campaigns, running "web-specials", e-newsletters, on-line polling and other internet enabled technologies are explored. « return »


  Subscription to our newsletter (client edition)

Coming soon ... (projected early 2006), you will get our newsletter sent to your inbox, with on-going useful information about all the previous educational topics. « return »


Design Clean, custom, professional

While content is "king" and you have been told not to judge a book by its cover ... we all do it. A good looking site adds to your message and your visitor's experience. We don't add needless images, graphics or gizmos to show off our technical prowess or to slow down or distract your visitors.

Our sites are designed to augment your visitor's experience with a visually appealing design while remembering that they are there to read your content. « return »


  Easy intuitive navigation

Keeping your visitors first and foremost in mind, we work hard to develop a navigation method that is easy and intuitive to use. Logical and consistent navigation is "key" to any successful web site.

You want your visitors to explore your site - not spend time trying to figure out how to get from here to there. « return »


  Consistency on all pages

Via the use of custom templates and style sheets, we ensure a consistent look and feel across all pages in your web site. It gives your site a professional and cohesive look. « return »


  Use your logo and organization's colors/fonts

We use your logo and your organization's color and font scheme in the design of your web site. This may seem like a given, but we know of some web developers that use canned designs and charge extra to use your art work and color schemes.

Your web site should be the cornerstone of your marketing and information initiatives. It's imperative that it reflects your brand. « return »


Elements Web Editor

The simple to use, powerful WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get), gives you the ability to edit any web page within your site. Effortless point and click interface enables you to edit text as you would in a word processor (eg. Microsoft Word), modify text font, size, color, formatting, alignment and more... See web-editor for more info « return »


  Search this site

Each page will have a function that will allow visitors to search your site by keyword. This is not only an extremely handy and visitor-friendly option, but you can also see what your visitors are searching for. This will allow you to make site changes to make this info more readily available – or optionally to include more info on a subject. « return »


  Print | Send | Save

Each page on your web site would have these 3 links. They will allow your visitor a "printer friendly" option; the ability to send via email the page they are on to a friend; the ability to "save to favorites/bookmark" the page they are on. « return »


  Privacy & Usage Policy

We include a standard "Privacy and Usage" page with each web site. It is recommended that all web sites have a policy regarding privacy and usage for their visitors and to provide a link to that policy on each page. We include the policy statement link in the footer of all our web sites.« return »


  Site © in your name

We provide a copyright notice on each web site. This copyright is in your name. The notice looks as follows:
Copyright © 2025 Your Company Name ~ All rights reserved. « return »


  © date automatically updated

We provide a code snippet to automatically update the copyright year on Jan 1st. « return »


  "Directions" link on contact page

We include a "directions" link on your Contact Us page. We plug in your address and then link to Mapquest. They will display a map of where you are located. Your visitors can also enter their address and get door-to-door driving instructions. « return »


  Custom 404 error page

We will create a custom 404 error page that is branded and friendlier than the standard error page that you have no doubt seen all too often. A 404 error occurs when someone follows a broken (or mistyped) link to your web site. « return »


Technical Modular construction

Modular (built in "pieces") to facilitate easy maintenance for you. We develop each web page in pieces. Typically a web page will contain a header, footer, navigation and content piece. Some designs will also contain detail navigation and left and right column pieces. This allows you to change a "piece" and have it reflected throughout your site. « return »


  Use of cascading style sheets

CSS easily allows us to specify text styles used throughout your web site. This helps maintain consistency across your site. The web editor that we supply you to maintain your site can also take advantage of these defined styles ensuring that the pages you create will look like the ones we create. « return »


  Search engine friendly

Eventually, search engines will begin to "crawl" over your site, grabbing information for their databases so that you can show up in their searches. We craft all of our web sites with an eye towards search engine crawling. We provide meta tags and links the engines can follow. This ensures that all of your pages are indexed and key words are provided. « return »


  Meta tags

Each page will contain search engine friendly meta tags (description and key words). You are responsible for coming up with the description and key words. We can assist with examples. « return »


  Monitor friendly

There are a plethora of monitors out there - at multiple settings and resolutions. What looks good on one doesn't necessarily look good on another. We use web-safe colors for consistency across monitor types. When possible, we also scale our designs to the smallest screen resolution and allow them to expand at higher resolutions. « return »


  Browser friendly

We hate sites that say, "best viewed with ...". We are not in the business of promoting a particular browser - and your web site shouldn't be either. Your site should work under any browser (version 5 or higher). Are these types of sites harder to craft? Sure ... but we believe your visitors will appreciate the extra effort. « return »


  Printer friendly pages

Any page that has great content will eventually get printed. If someone is printing information from your site, you want to feel confident that it will look as good on the printed page as on the screen. How many times have you printed a web page and the right hand side of the content was chopped off? Your TSGWebPlus web site won't do that. Go ahead - print this page and see. Click on the "print" link at the top of this page. « return »


Aftercare Un-ending phone/email support

That's right. Un-ending. As in not-ever-ending support. If you have a question or a problem - we want to hear from you - and we want to help. No charge ... Click here if you want to check out our optional "Ongoing Support Services".
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(in US $)
Number of pages

This refers to the number of separate pages planned for your web site (eg home, about, services, etc). We do not impose a limit on the length of a page. The standard "contact us", "privacy and usage" and "custom 404 error page" do not count towards this total. Hey - that's 3 free pages for every web site? Yes it is. « return »


  Design and set up

Design and set up includes the Project Plan, template(s) creation, css creation, directory infrastructure,and setting appropriate security access on every file on the site. « return »


  Price per page

$150 per page - no page length limit. « return »


  Average price

The average price is based on the median page count.
Median is 5 for 1-10 pages, 15 for 11-20 and 35 for 21-50.
Median was chosen purely as a representative number. « return »



Back to where you came ...

"I love it!!! I do feel like I finally landed. I am ready to put it out there. Thank you for all your creativity and professional work."
- Nancy V. Oct 2006

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