Packages: Compared
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Holy schmoly Batman - we get all this with a TSGWebPlus web site?
Sign me up before they change their minds.
Some optional web services also available thru TSGWebPlus
Category |
Item |
After-launch care |
Editing/maintenance assistance (for when you are just too busy) |
Web site traffic reports and analysis |
Search engine relevance report and analysis |
Special After-Care packages |
Other services: |
Custom graphics creation |
Logo creation |
Web writing and editing |
Web site evaluation |
Press Release templates |
e-Newsletter processing |
Calendaring |
On-line polls |
Task Tracker |
eCommerce |
Our Current Rate Sheet
Below we've supplied a link to our Rate Sheet for a more complete list of services and prices. As you'll see, based on our rate sheet, the "package" prices above are very attractive and aggressively priced as opposed to purchasing individual services.
View/download our current rate sheet (52kb PDF format)
View/download our Ongoing Support Plan (56kb PDF format)
Click the link to view online or right click and "save target as" or"save link as" to download.
PDF's require Adobe Reader ® - download it free here
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