TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition
When you call us back, we want it to be because you want to – not because you have to.
Malin Zergiebel,

Packages: On Pricing

What you are about to see is virtually impossible to find on other web developer's sites.

We will not only show you our packages, but our prices and our rate sheet for other services.

Conventional wisdom (apparently shared by many web developers) is to not show prices and scare off a potential client.

We have more confidence in you ... and ourselves.
We know that we provide a lot of web site and a lot of service for the dollar. We hope that after seeing our offerings, that you will agree.

We are not ashamed of the price of our web sites or services. And if the competiton wants to take notice - go ahead - try and match us ...

We believe in open and honest dealings - now and throughout our relationship with you. We believe the more you know, the better you will be able to make an informed decision.

In that spirit, we will break with conventional wisdom and treat you respectfully as a prospective business partner - with full and open disclosure.

Since every site we craft is a custom design, the bulk of the time expended is in the design and set up stages. Once set, the actual creation of pages is easy in comparison.

Our standard rate is $150/per page with increasing design and set up fees as the page count goes higher. The reason for increasing design and set up fees is due to the fact that typically more time is expended here creating more sophisticated navigation and infrastructure as the page count goes higher.

We suggest that you begin with the package comparison page, and then explore the detailed writeup on the package that you feel comes closest to meeting your needs.

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"We have compared our NEW site with other sites that are out there and we understand now what you meant by "leap-frogging" our competition. Ours is so much more impressive."
- Chris C. Dec 2003

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