TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition

Not your typical web developer ... If you have followed some of the links in our "first visit" section, hopefully you can tell we are not like the other web site design and development companies you may have looked at. They focus on web sites. We have the bigger picture in mind and we deliver web strategies that deliver to you.
Malin Zergiebel,

July's Get Started Special

Summer is in full swing and wooooo weeeee is it hot and muggy here in New England. We're thinking of weekends on the shore, back yard barbeques with friends, and hitting a few on the links. Maybe cranking it back a notch now that the warm weather is here ...

But noooooooo. The Head Curmudgeon here is thinking of ways to get you to sign up for a new web site now.

Why? Because he knows the sooner you get started, the sooner you start to reap the benefits. And the Pointed-Headed-One is all about client benefits.

So what did he come up with this time to keep us working nights and weekends?

Free business card and letterhead design!!!

For any new web site contracted this month, we'll include a free business card and letterhead design. That's a $300 value.

Already have business cards and letter head?
Then we'll give you your first five web pages for the price of three. That's also a $300 value.

Say what? Yup, as in $300 right off the top. Even better than a rebate, cuz you don't have to fill anything out and send it in. Just sign up for a new web site before July 31.

Head CurmudgeonStart working smarter today and get on the web.
You know you want to - and if you act now, you get to pick the pocket of the Pointed-Headed One of three Franklins. Hey - that's a whole summer's worth of hot dogs and hamburgers.

Fill out our Getting Started form. It's quick and easy and you will be just that much closer to working smarter.

This offer expires July 31. Sure you can wait for next month's offer, but it might not be as good. We think the Fuzzy-Headed-One was suffering from a heat stroke when he came up with this one.

Back to where you came ...  (Don't even think of clicking back without signing up) Halt!

"Malin, you are the best! Thanks for all your help."
- Diana Sep 2006

Click to check out this month's special