TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition

When you call us back, we want it to be because you want to – not because you have to.
Malin Zergiebel,

April's Get Started Special

Leprechan in a pot of goldSpring is busting out all over here in beautiful downtown New England and we just couldn't be happier. We've put away the flannel shirts and are still trying to figure out how all of our t-shirts from last year shrunk so much over the winter. Think we can talk "You Know Who" into maybe letting us out a little early a couple of days this month to refresh our wardrobe?

Fat chance. The Head Curmudgeon, not a slave to fashion, is busy thinking of ways to get you to sign up for a new web site now.

Why? Because he knows the sooner you get started, the sooner you start to reap the benefits. And the Pointed-Headed-One is all about client benefits.

So what's better than 5 t-shirts for the price of three?

Five web pages for the price of three!!!

That's right, for any new web site contracted this month, you'll get your first five pages for the price of three. That's a $300 value.

Say what? Yup, as in $300 right off the top. Even better than a rebate, cuz you don't have to fill anything out and send it in. Just sign up for a new web site by April 30.

Head CurmudgeonStart working smarter today and get on the web.
You know you want to - and if you act now, you get to pick the pocket of the Pointed-Headed One of three Franklins. Hey - that'll buy a drawer full of new warmer weather wear and a cheap pair of sunglasses to boot.

Fill out our Getting Started form. It's quick and easy and you will be just that much closer to working smarter.

This offer expires Apr 30. Sure you can wait for next month's offer, but it might not be as good. We think the Fuzzy-Headed One was into the dandelion wine when he came up with this one.

Back to where you came ... (Don't even think of clicking back without signing up) Halt!

"Of course, incredibly fabulous, as is everything you put your hand to. (Thanks, Neil)" - Neil H. Oct 2006

Click for details