TSGWebPlus home - Stand Out From Your Competition

Who is visiting your web site?
You have web site visitors, search engine visitors, email visitors, e-marketing visitors, and traditional promotion visitors. Where are they all coming from? Where are they all going? Are they contacting you? Buying from you?
What's working and what isn't? All of this information is being collected by your web site and it is worth looking at and analyzing.
Knowledge is power.

Malin Zergiebel,

TSGWebPlus GoodWorks Entry Form

Here is where you can register for a free web site.
If you would like to know more before registering, please see our TSGWebPlus GoodWorks Program.

They say that what goes around, comes around. If that's the case, then it's about time that a program or organization like yours got something back.

TSGWebPlus, is proud to offer qualifying not-for-profit community or service based programs and organizations an opportunity to GET ON THE WEB for free.

TSGWebPlus GoodWorks
Helping people who help people ...

Please fill out the registration form below.
Only one registration per contest is necessary. Duplicate registrations will be removed. You will be notified at the end of the contest whether you won or not.

Good luck ...

Your Name:  
Your Email:  
self referring?   (check if yes)
friend of?   (check if yes)
Organization/Group Name:  
Not-for-profit status
and qualifications:
What do you do?  
Who do you serve?  
Additional Comments:  

"What do I think? I think you are [expletive deleted] awesome. That's what I think! It's perfect. The nav is perfect. Excellent job!"
- Charlie G. Jun 2003

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