Support our Troops
Following are just a very few of the thousands of web sites created
during the last several years to support our troops. It's impossible
to list all of them. We wish we could ...
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We hope and encourage you to take a few moments and check out these
sites and find one that you like and discover a new way to support our
Support Our Troops "Who are we? We are you -- the individual Americans who want to do good things for their troops. SupportOurTroops.Org is a 501(c)(3) public purpose charity through which Americans strengthen the morale and well-being of their current military service members and their families. ".
Wounded Warrior Project "The Wounded Warrior Project seeks to assist those men and women of our armed forces who have been severely injured during the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world".
Madison Trust - Financial Resources for Veterans and Military Families "Veterans and their families can face unique financial challenges, from the strain of coping with deployments, relocations, and other times of transition to the difficulty of planning for retirement. However, many organizations, agencies, and programs have sprung up to support those who serve and their loved ones by offering financial assistance and other resources. If you are eligible for these benefits, you should not hesitate to use them."
Financial Resources and Discounts for Military Families "Military families have a lot to deal with - emotionally, logistically, and financially. What benefits are out there for military families to make life a bit easier for them? Where can they find discounts and deals? We've created this helpful financial guide aimed specifically to help military family members learn about the different resources, federal programs, retail discounts, and deals for dependents of U.S. soldiers.".
Any Soldier "Any Soldier Inc. started in August 2003 as a simple family effort to help the soldiers in one Army unit. However, due to overwhelming requests, on 1 January 2004 the Any Soldiertm effort was expanded to include any member, of any of the Armed Forces in harms way."
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